Events & Programme
From Experts for experts
The European Heat Pump Summit offers a great opportunity to not only interact with industry experts at an international level but also to gain valuable knowledge from market developments and trends in the heat pump sector.From researchers to designers, product developers to technicians, decision-makers to consulting engineers for product development, all areas of heat pump production and application are represented at the European Heat Pump Summit —the meeting place for international for the international heat pump industry.

Highlights of the Congress programme 2023 included
Success, opportunities and challenges
- Europe’s Heat Pump market and EU policy
- UK's Heat Pump roadmap – "Leading the way to net zero" and “Heat Pump Ready” programme
- F-gas and REACH regulations, a risk for the Heat Pump market acceleration?
Research and development
Refrigerants, circular economy, high-temperature heat pumps, steam and district heating generation, overall energy efficiency in hybrid systems, current projects of research institutes, IoT, AI
Potentials and applications
Existing buildings, single-, two- and multi-family homes, commercial and industrial applications, supplementation in existing heattng systems, hot-water Heat Pumps
Product and component development
Compressors, heat exchangers, fans, refrigerants, controls, acoustics

"The conference one again demonstrates the importance of heat pumps in meeting social challenges like protecting the climate."
Please note: In due time, you will find the updated programme for the 2025 congress here.