Call for presentation
Exclusive knowledge transfer: your presentation at the European Heat Pump Summit
Do you have interesting topics on the latest developments and challenges in the international heat pump market?
Then you also have the option to present exclusively to the professional audience at the two-day congress.
Please note: To participate as a speaker, you have to book the Sponsoring Package 2 or one of the Exclusive Packages!
Please submit your presentation by 30 April 2025 at the latest using the form below.
Registrations received after the deadline will be considered depending on availability.
Please note:
- Your presentation, including time for discussion, should last a maximum of 20 minutes.
- The presentations will be held in English only. For this reason, we kindly ask you to submit your texts in English only.
- We will first collect and review all submitted presentations. However, submission does not entitle you to a presentation for the time being. We will get back to you in good time with further information.